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Enhanced Associate Solutions

Reduce costs and implement proven workflows for junior associate-level discovery and litigation tasks. 

Access a customized team of admitted Epiq lawyers for junior associate-level tasks leveraging technology and efficient workflows, leading to enhanced quality and reduced litigation costs. 

Efficiently handle outside counsel review tasks, including:

  •  Second-level review
  •  Pre-production quality control
  •  Drafting fact memoranda
  •  Creating chronologies and timelines
  •  Privilege log finalization

Use cost-effective resources to assist outside counsel with:

  •  Deposition preparation
  •  Fact research to support motion practice
  •  Witness and trial preparation
  •  Evidence presentations for hearing and trials
  •  Key testimony and exhibit identification for appeals

With Enhanced Associate Solutions your team will:

Improve the Quality and Efficiency of Discovery and Litigation Processes


Second-Level Review and Analysis for Corporations

  •  Increase efficiency of counsel second level review and pre-production quality control with proven, transparent workflows.
  •  Meet deadlines by using scalable teams to finalize first-level coding decisions, create nuanced second-level analysis, and finalize privilege logs.
  •  Gain timely access to critical data, timelines, and underlying facts to assist in the development of case themes and legal strategy.

Second-Level Review and Analysis for Law Firms

  •  Quickly gain access to critical data, timelines, and underlying facts with a programmatic second-level document review program.
  •  Gain bandwidth for your case team so they can focus on the development of case themes and strategy.
  •  Achieve uniform coding of case team document changes across datasets.
  •  Shorten the overall timeline for document review and production.
  •  Enhance the quality and consistency of final work product.
  •  Preserve the case budget for substantive analysis and case preparation.
  •  Combine post-production activities with document production quality control tasks for better deadline management.

Legal Task Assistance

  •  Streamline your deposition process with organized, efficient workflows and work product, including outlines, timelines, summaries, and expert witness support.
  •  Improve the motion practice process deploying analytics tools to identify key facts and documents.
  •  Build strategic and effective testimony as you support facts and witnesses with meticulous research, clear summaries, and well-organized binders.
  •  Ensure compelling evidence delivery at hearings and trials, including exhibit lists and trial materials.


average savings on second-level review


working with the same team throughout the litigation process, creating factual expertise


approach for improved quality and efficiency


access and expertise

Company Improves ELM To Boost Efficiency

Technology Company Gains Research Support for Legal Motion, Meets Tight Deadline

Solution Brief_Enhanced Associate Solutions

Reduce costs and implement proven workflows for junior associate-level discovery and litigation tasks.

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