Case Study: Epiq Facilitates Streamlined Claims Handling in Auto Manufacturer Class Action
- Automotive

A Global Auto Manufacturer


Client need
Facing a complex class action lawsuit, the client, a global auto manufacturer, retained Epiq to handle the settlement administration. The lawsuit was a result of customers finding defects in their car’s engine block, resulting in engine seizure, stalling, failure, and fires. The complexities of the settlement and the complex claim form requirements posed specific challenges to Epiq's administration process.

Client solution
Epiq assigned the case to its Complex Claim Team to address the complexities of the settlement and develop a comprehensive claims management solution.
The complex nature of the case created various criteria for claims submissions, enabling class members to choose from seven different claim options that included dealership repairs, third-party repairs, related costs, repair delay fees, trade-in differences, rebates, and compensation for claimants whose cars were lost from a fire caused by the defect. By implementing cutting-edge strategies, Epiq facilitated an efficient, streamlined, transparent, and successful claims process.
To facilitate an accessible and user-friendly experience, Epiq created a customized website that served as a central hub for information, enabling class members to easily access details about the settlement and submit their claims online.
Recognizing the importance of personalized assistance, Epiq provided over 1,000,000 minutes of call center support. This extensive aid ensured that class members had access to expert guidance to address their concerns and answer their questions.
Epiq's administration of the client’s litigation settlement resulted in significant achievements and impactful outcomes.
Overall, Epiq's efficient management and expertise ensured an expedited and transparent claims process. By diligently reviewing and approving claims, adhering to the settlement terms and the court's oversight, Epiq ensured fairness and clarity for the client. The combination of these efforts, along with the distribution of payments, mailings sent, website visits, and call center support, resulted in a smooth process that successfully addressed the challenges posed by the complex settlement.
Results and Benefits
successfully distributed
initial notices sent
page visits