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Epiq Service Cloud:
Application and Services

Focus on use cases and outcomes with technology solutions and services tailored to your organisation’s needs.

Select and integrate Epiq and industry applications and services, including legal technology you have in place today, preserving your investment and expanding to meet your business-of-law needs. Epiq business process automation provides people, process, technology, data integration, and analysis across legal department and law firm operations, litigation, M&A and corporate transactions, regulatory and compliance, and commercial and contracts.

Simplify legal operations and enhance productivity by viewing and managing multiple applications and workflows within one access point.

Application and services

Key Features

Epiq Access
Access the applications you need through a single interface.
Epiq and third-party-provided tools and applications are organised and graphically displayed as tiles and can be renamed and searched.
Profile and permissions-based security provides access to specific applications and workflows.
Report and analyse data across your legal technology and outsourced solutions.
Utilise a modular design that ensures solutions can be added as business of law needs change.
A structured data architecture allows secure access to data across multiple tools for the same use case.
Tailor the platform with white labeling options for a personalised user experience.



Benefit from the expertise of over 300 engineers, data scientists, and technologists, ensuring the use of technology and services from a single organisation for improved outcomes.


Customise your legal technology and services with flexible solutions, enabling alignment with organisational goals.

Talk to us about the Epiq Service Cloud

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