Digital Cyber Tabletop Training
Digital Tabletop Simulations for Cyber Readiness

Engage your cross-functional teams in a live, interactive, and realistic cyberattack situation to promote rapid decision training and cyber risk readiness.

Unique digital platform offers an interactive and engaging digital gamification approach.

Customize a virtual, hybrid, or in-person format to meet your organisation’s infrastructure and needs.

Identify gaps in your current incident response plan and consult with breach response experts to implement improvements.
“Training by gaming” approach lets players see, hear, touch, and feel emotion as they navigate various cyber incident situations

Heads-Up Display provides a dynamic view of the essential parameters that help players assess ramifications to make decisions and see performance data in real time
Multiple scoring elements allow for tracking of metrics to help players see how they improve over time..

Management can assess usage and performance at a macro level.
Apply learnings on the go with access to Epiq breach response experts throughout your training.