How To Deploy LLMs Part 2: Public vs. Private
3 Mins
Delving deeper into the pros and cons of each deployment architecture, we examine these options in terms of performance, cost, and capabilities. A thorough analysis clarifies and informs the best deployment strategy for your objectives and...
Read MoreHow To Deploy LLMs Part 1: Where Do Your Models Live?
Below, we detail the questions to ask your provider and how to understand their answers regarding the quality and performance of their solution and the security and privacy implications.
Read MoreState of Play: Adoption of Gen AI in Corporate Legal Departments
The Sedona Conference Commentary on Proportionality in Cross-Border Discovery: A Brief Overview
3 Mins
The Sedona Conference (TSC) and its Working Group 6 on International Electronic Information Management, Discovery, and Disclosure recently published their Commentary on Proportionality in Cross-Border Discovery (Commentary) for public comment.
Read MoreArtificial Intelligence Regulation Around the Globe: Get Ahead of Changing Laws by Understanding AI Now
2 Mins
The benefits artificial intelligence has to offer the legal field are almost boundless. Whether it’s fast-tracking legal research, quickly drafting accurate and uniform documents, effectively organising and accessing data repositories, enhancing...
Read MoreThe Evolution of Emojis in Litigation
3 Mins
Chances are most readers instantly associated meaning to each one of these symbols. Emojis are now a staple of modern communication. According to a recent article by USA Today, users share over 10 billion emojis daily across several platforms.
Read MoreNothing to Fear Here – Using AI Tools Responsibly Breeds Success
3 Mins
The news is flooded with stories about artificial intelligence (AI) tools -- some shining light on the benefits, and others meant to invoke fear and panic. While the latter has bred some skepticism about AI usage in business, it is time to take a...
Read MoreFireworks Aren’t the Only Explosions This Summer - ALSP Market Growth Is Lighting up New Opportunities for Legal
3 Mins
It’s that time of year again! Fireworks are lighting up the sky and captivating audiences that gather to see what the display holds. A similar show is happening in the legal industry with the Alternative Legal Service Provider (ALSP) market. This...
Read MoreCLOC’ing the Speed of Transformation
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Over the past decade, there has been substantial transformation within the legal industry, but it has not been at rapid speed. The 2023 CLOC Global Institute asked the question: will this year be different due to all the hype around generative AI...
Read MoreIs it Time for a Discovery Health Check?
3 Mins
The world of eDiscovery is in a constant state of change. Modern data sources expand the pool of relevant information and may warrant special collection techniques. Court decisions and rules create new precedent and can alter deadlines. Emerging...
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