Epiq Advice
Mass Tort Claims and Data Management Systems and Technology: The Need for Speed, Visibility, and Standardization
Women of Class Summit Delivers Mountains of Insight and Inspiration
3 Mins
How to combat fraudulent claims, avoid carriage disputes, and seek out mentors were just a few of the topics discussed during the three-day Women of Class Summit in Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Read MoreThree Lessons From the Front Lines of Medical Monitoring
3 mins
In situations where medical monitoring can make a real difference in people’s lives, bringing in experts is a wise investment. Doing so can save both time and money and can ensure that the resulting program is both cost-effective and a true...
Read MoreThree Keys to Administering Sexual Assault Mass Tort Cases
3 mins
Helping survivors of sexual assault in mass tort cases through the claims administration process in a compassionate way while protecting confidentiality is a cornerstone of Epiq’s commitment to the integrity of the judicial system.
Read MoreSix Ways To Benefit From Epiq’s Asbestos Global Program
2 Mins
Individuals who have been diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases face overwhelming medical and financial challenges. They often pursue legal avenues to obtain monetary compensation for pain, suffering, and medical fees incurred for their treatment.
Read MoreIncrease of Fraudulent Claims is ‘Stunning’
3 Mins
The rise of fraudulent claims in open class action cases has created alarm, with those in the industry focused on how to protect the integrity of settlements.
Read MoreMedicare and the Roundup Global Lien Resolution Program
4 Mins
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have been operating a global Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) approach in healthcare lien resolution for mass tort, class action, and asbestos trust settlements for more than fifteen years.
Read MoreCMS Issues a Technical Alert on the PAID Act
2 Mins
On December 11, 2020, the Provide Accurate Information Directly (PAID) Act was signed into law by then-President Trump, with the express intent to assist settling parties to identify whether settling claimants to personal injury lawsuits are also...
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