Competition Class Action Moves Forward in UK – What to Expect and How to Strategize
5 Mins
Historically, class action lawsuits were primarily tied to the U.S. With the exceptions of Canada, Australia, and a few others, most countries around the globe did not embrace this legal recovery mechanism as freely and frequently.
Read MoreGovernment Regulation of Business
3 mins
If your business is faced with a regulatory investigation, your highest priority is obviously addressing the underlying concerns and reaching a settlement as necessary. Once terms are agreed, however, organizations are often faced with short...
Read MoreBetter Turn on Your Push Notifications - TikTok may be Changing the Way Class Action Notifications are Distributed
5 Mins
TikTok is once again making news, but not because of a viral dance or fashion trend. A class action lawsuit is now pending in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois against the popular video sharing social networking platform.
Read MoreWhen Mass Tort Meets Bankruptcy
4 Mins
Mass tort actions are large and complicated matters generally involving a wide cross section of plaintiffs with varying degrees of harm caused by a product or substance. Cases involving serious product failures like vehicle airbags or exposure to...
Read MoreState Biometric Laws are Trending and Class Actions Could be on the Rise
5 Mins
By now, most people have undoubtedly heard of biometric-based technology and probably use it every day. Some examples are facial recognition for used for cell security, and voice recognition, like activating a home smart device. Behavioral...
Read MoreLien Profile: A Short Primer on “Standard” Medicare Liens
7 mins
In 2019, 61.4 million individuals received coverage under Medicare Part A and/or Part B. Of that amount, 52.9 million Medicare beneficiaries qualified based on age and the other 8.5 million beneficiaries qualified based on disability. under...
Read MoreLien Profile: A Primer on Private Lien Resolution
7 mins
At the end of 2018, over 176.9 million Americans, approximately 54% of the population, were receiving private health insurance coverage.1 With the emergence of the private health insurance market place, an increasingly global facing private sector...
Read MoreLien Profile: A Short Primer on Medicaid Lien Resolution
4 mins
As of January 2020, 70 million individuals were Medicaid beneficiaries—a number that will likely rise as the country faces economic downturn, an aging population, and further Medicaid expansion to the states over time.1 As of July 1, 2019, 33 of...
Read MoreThe GDPR’s Influence on Class and Collective Proceedings
6 Mins
When thinking about class action lawsuits, most people envision legal proceedings occurring in the United States. However, class and collective proceedings modeled after those in the U.S. are becoming increasingly popular abroad – specifically in...
Read MoreLien Profile: A Short Primer on Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C) Resolution
4 mins
The number of Medicare eligible individuals that elect to enroll in a Medicare Part C/Medicare Advantage plan (as an alternative to traditional Medicare Parts A & B) is rapidly increasing. In 2019, 22.4 million (37% of the 60 million Medicare...
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