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Fostering Safe Cloud Integration into Business Operations with these Security Basics

5 Mins

The cloud intersects with personal and professional worlds for many people. Want to share photos with family from a recent trip? Upload them to a shared cloud drive and text out the link...

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Leveraging Technology and Transformative Tools to Support Law Firms with Global Needs

5 Mins

Globalization opportunities and expectations continue to arise around every turn. From organizations offering services outside their operational borders to the rise in remote hiring...

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Five Significant eDiscovery Rulings from 2021

9 mins

At the beginning of every new year, it is important for legal teams to reflect on key eDiscovery case law from the year before that will influence future processes and case strategy. In...

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Three Data Trends to Watch

5 Mins

Each year, practitioners and the courts face data issues applying to collection, preservation, security, compliance, global practice challenges, and more. Some questions repeat or evolve,...

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2021 Blog Book

2 Mins

For ease of use, we compiled all our blogs into one convenient book with a navigable table of contents. This way, you have access to all of this useful information in one easy location.

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Privacy Roundup Part Two: Significant International Updates

6 Mins

Last week’s blog detailed the wave of state legislation that occurred in the U.S. during 2021. It is no surprise that there were also many data privacy developments abroad. It is crucial...

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Looking Back at Data Privacy Developments in 2021: Part One – the U.S.

4 Mins

With the start of a new year, it is the perfect time to reflect on major legal movement with consumer privacy last year both in the U.S. and abroad. Data privacy is a hot issue that will...

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Wrapping up the Holiday Season with 2021’s Best Blogs

2 Mins

Looking back at the Epiq Angle, it is clear that 2021 has been the year of legal innovation. It was a time of transition for the legal industry in many ways, as offices started to open...

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Data at Your Fingertips? Make Sure You are Prepared for Biometric Data Legislation

6 Mins

Biometric technology data is generated more frequently these days in private and professional settings as authentication methods like fingerprint scanning, facial recognition, and voice...

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Healthcare Organizations and Bankruptcy: Is Telemedicine the Savior?

4 Mins

The healthcare industry has been under financial stress for years, with a record-setting number of bankruptcy filings in 2018. High filing numbers continued into 2019 and 2020, as effects...

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Planning a Merger? Make Sure to Review the Annual Antitrust Enforcement Update

4 mins

Every year, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Department of Justice (DOJ) Antitrust Division submit a report to Congress thoroughly summarizing merger investigation and enforcement...

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What U.S. Companies Should Expect from China’s New Data Privacy Laws

4 Mins

China had a lot of legislative movement in the area of data privacy this year. On June 10, 2021, the Data Security Law (DSL) was passed and it became effective on Sept. 1, 2021. This is a...

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