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Improve Information Governance Programs by Using Auto-Classifications Tool on Dark Data

5 Mins

More and more, organizations are beginning to identify their dark data and trying to figure out what to do with it. Dark data could include items like unopened email attachments, raw...

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Four Steps to Shed Light on Dark Data

5 Mins

The term “dark data” is tossed around often in the corporate sphere, but does anyone really know what it is? Dark data encompasses all data that organizations create and store as a part...

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Every Cloud has a Silver Lining

5 Mins

Cloud technology is not a new to the legal industry. Moving a company’s data to the cloud has become increasingly appealing over recent years because it allows organizations to reduce...

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COVID-19: The Catalyst for Digital Transformation

4 Mins

Globally, COVID-19 has disrupted standard operating procedures for many organizations. In order to create business continuity, businesses have adopted new remote and distributed workforces.

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CCPA Update – It’s Time to Review Your Compliance Checklist

7 Mins

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which is the most groundbreaking data security legislation in the United States, is now enforceable. Broadly, the CCPA provides consumers...

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Remote Document Review: Challenge Creates Opportunity

8 Mins

Despite physical offices around the globe closing, important court and client deadlines still loomed. The pandemic forced document review teams to go remote, but teams still needed to...

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Travel Days May Be Postponed, But When it Comes Back, Be Prepared to Protect Sensitive Data

5 Mins

Often, the phrase “border search” produces thoughts of seeking and seizing a physical object. However, many searches require a computer to be searched – and not just the actual hardware.

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How Do You Replicate A Document Review “Clean Room” Environment In The Cloud?

5 Mins

In a document review space, the term “clean room” has come to mean a room where data remains secure. To safeguard the security of every document in a review space, these rooms retain...

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Digital Mailroom: A Vital Component of your Information Governance Strategy

4 Mins

It can be difficult to bridge the gap between digital and physical data in an Information Governance program. With multiple types of data entering an organization that require proper...

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3 Tips To Avoiding Legal Technology Overload

5 Mins

With emerging technologies, independent research and self-education is not always enough. Talking with outside consultants will help law departments understand what they technologies can...

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When a Deal Goes Wrong, Possession is Not Nine-Tenths of the Law

7 Mins

The ways that businesses communicate have changed a great deal over the past twenty years. In the good ol’ days, most communicative dealings happened in a prestigious boardroom or over...

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2019 REVIEW: Your Favorite Five

3 Mins

As 2020 approaches, we wanted to make the last post of 2019 a review of our most popular blogs. The legal industry is constantly changings and we’re thrilled that you look to Epiq to stay...

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