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New Facial Recognition Technology Further Blurs the Line Between Privacy and Innovation

6 Mins

It’s been a long time since facial recognition technology was considered mere science fiction. Today, facial recognition technology has risen in popularity, making it commonplace and...

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Legalweek New York 2020: The Time Has Come for Lawyers to React Proactively to Data and Technology

9 Mins

Lawyers must not only stay up-to-date on the latest legal technology trends, but also be proactive about implementing emerging solutions into their practice and ensuring smooth onboarding...

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Five Reasons Litigators Should Use Technology-Assisted Review for Every Case

6 Mins

Advanced predictive coding solutions like technology-assisted review (“TAR”) are gaining popularity in the legal field. TAR uses artificial intelligence and allows litigators to...

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You Can’t Always Get What You Want

6 Mins

Courts have consistently exercised discretion when allowing discovery in foreign proceedings under the 1782 discovery statute. A foreign tribunal or interested party in a foreign...

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U.K. Pilot Program Demands Technology-Assisted Review (TAR), or Does it?

4 Mins

On January 1, the U.K. launched a disclosure pilot program. The program elevates technology-assisted review — often referred to as predictive coding — to a prominent role in English and...

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Judge the Judge by Using AI to Win Every Argument

5 Mins

Artificial intelligence (AI) seems to be making its way into every area of legal practice. From helping attorneys sort through thousands of pages of eDiscovery documents to identifying...

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Ambiguity of Emojis Can Complicate Legal Cases

3 Mins

More and more, emojis are being used in electronic communications. It’s no surprise, then, that they are also showing up more often in court. But while a picture can be worth a thousand...

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FTC Update: Agency Continues to Crack Down on Privacy Violations

6 Mins

A major goal of the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) is to protect consumer privacy. The rise in technology has made personal information of consumers more vulnerable than ever before...

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Tips for Staying Ethical When Using Social Media in Legal Practice

5 Mins

Social media has revolutionized the world we live in today both in the personal and professional spheres. Many lawyers and law firms use social media for business purposes such as...

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ECA Can Help Manage New Disclosure Rule Timelines

3 Mins

The new disclosure rules in the UK force counsel and their clients to think about disclosure much earlier in the timeline of a case. You need to submit initial disclosure with your...

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New Disclosure Pilot Scheme Begins in England and Wales

5 Mins

Parties with matters taking place in England and Wales need to be aware of a new disclosure pilot scheme that has become mandatory, with some exceptions, in English and Welsh business and...

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What To Know About The President’s Artificial Intelligence Executive Order

4 Mins

On February 11, 2019, President Trump signed an executive order that asks federal agencies to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into their daily operations. Known as the American AI...

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