An Unlikely Pair: Lawyers and AI
5 Mins
Even lawyers that are not currently using artificial intelligence (AI) in their document review practice undoubtedly know what it is and are familiar with the benefits that technology assisted review (TAR) solutions offer. TAR programs use...
Read MoreMore Changes Pending For California’s Data Protection Laws
6 Mins
On February 21, 2019, California Assembly Bill 1130 came before the legislature. The bill would amend the state’s data breach notification law, which requires organizations to alert individuals after certain categories of data fall victim to a...
Read MoreeDiscovery and its Challenges in Asia
4 mins
The global explosion in data variety, velocity, and volume has transformed legal practices requiring regular large-scale document disclosures. Electronic discovery (“eDiscovery”) solutions are developed to help practitioners handle disclosures in...
Read MoreOffload the Workload: How Outsourcing Can Increase Profitability
4 Mins
Law firm profitability is not exactly languishing. Many law firms, especially larger ones, are making very comfortable margins. But law firms are rather like whales: if they stop moving, they sink.
Read MoreABA Issues Opinion - How To Respond to Data Breaches
6 Mins
In 2018, 1,244 data breaches occurred in the U.S. with over 445.6 million records exposed with a cost of $654 billion. Lawyers make a promise to safeguard confidential client data when they enter into an attorney-client relationship. Today’s...
Read MoreCCPA Big Data Update Version 2.0 – Almost Ready to Install
4 Mins
According to Interactive Advertising Bureau, U.S. firms spent nearly $19.2 billion on third-party audience data & data-use solutions in 2018, up 17.5% from 2017. One of many reasons why California’s new data security legislation, the California...
Read MoreJudge the Judge by Using AI to Win Every Argument
5 Mins
Artificial intelligence (AI) seems to be making its way into every area of legal practice. From helping attorneys sort through thousands of pages of eDiscovery documents to identifying relevant data, AI tools are transforming the industry. Now...
Read MoreWill the New CCPA Cause an Uptick in Class Action Cases?
4 Mins
Privacy remains a hotly debated subject in the U.S. and many states are taking steps to protect customer’s personal information. The newest legislation with the most teeth belongs to California, who in February 2019 passed the California Consumers...
Read MoreBlockchain Holds Potential to Improve and Streamline Compliance
2 Mins
Even as the value of bitcoin plunged from a high of $20,000 in late 2017 to about $4,000 in late February 2019, according to Bloomberg, interest in the technology behind it grew. Blockchain, the distributed ledger technology used in bitcoin, has...
Read MoreEase and Responsiveness are Critical Success Factors in Law Firms
4 Mins
Legal software maker CLIO surveyed thousands of law firm clients in its Legal Technology: Future Horizons survey. One question asked the clients what was most important to them when choosing a law firm. The majority cited overall cost of services...
Read MoreUK Companies May Face Liability for Breaches By Independent Actors
7 Mins
On January 12, 2017, a U.K. court rendered a decision in a class action that could affect the way U.K. courts view vicarious liability for data breaches.
Read MoreAmbiguity of Emojis Can Complicate Legal Cases
3 Mins
More and more, emojis are being used in electronic communications. It’s no surprise, then, that they are also showing up more often in court. But while a picture can be worth a thousand words, which words? There is as yet no standard dictionary...
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