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State of the Universal Data Privacy Bill: What to Expect in 2024

3 Mins

Data security continues to be a hot topic among companies and consumers alike in 2024 as cyber incidents and their associated costs continue to reach record highs. With several of the...

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Confidential Business Information: Protecting an Organisation’s Most Valuable Secrets

It’s in the marketing strategies, board meeting minutes, contact lists, along with many other forms that provide unique insights used in building their brand. In other words, a company’s...

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Healthcare Organisations Can Meet New HHS Cybersecurity Goals with the Help of Tabletop Exercises

2 Mins

In today’s digital age, securing sensitive healthcare data is paramount. With the rise in cyber threats targeting healthcare organisations, the Department of Health and Human Services...

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Elevating Legal Workflows with AI-Driven Text Summarisation

3 Mins

Is there anything that AI cannot do? That seems to be the question on the minds of many. This technology is transforming the world in more ways than people even realise. From predicting...

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How to Remain Data Defensible During Divestitures

3 Mins

Create a divesture strategy, monitor the portfolio, find a buyer, prepare to separate a portion of the business, close the sale, and oversee the transitionary period. This is the usual...

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AI Evolution: Prompting and Problem Solving

3 mins

New EU-US Data Transfer Framework Finalized: What Does the Future Hold?

4 Mins

With data privacy landscapes changing around the globe, how can organizations handle cross-border deals while still remaining compliant? This has been a burning question over recent years.

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Canada’s Long Awaited Privacy Bill Introduced: How Does it Stack Up?

4 Mins

There has been chatter in Canada for nearly two years about initiating comprehensive legislative reform to the country’s data privacy landscape. The process recently ramped up this June...

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Remaining Compliant Amidst Challenges When Using Chat Applications in the Workplace

4 Mins

Communication is different in the modern workplace. Gone are the days of phone calls and email being the primary channels of interaction. Many organizations are frequently utilizing chat...

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International Data Transfers: Knowing Which Rules Apply to Comply

3 min

While countries all over the globe continue to make data privacy strides, comparing similarities and differences between the EU and U.K. is important in light of Brexit. It is also...

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Planning for a Remediation: Proactive Considerations for Financial Institutions

3 Mins

Financial institutions are more regularly dealing with voluntary remediations and public consent order activity due to heightened scrutiny by regulators and changing internal policies...

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