Data Breaches up 72% From Record High: Cyber Incident Readiness Must be Top of Mind
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“Protect your data! Breaches are on the rise!” These warnings seem to be everywhere – and rightfully so. Threat actors are sophisticated and new breach trends are constantly materialising. Awareness is no longer enough. It must be coupled with...
Read MoreBreaking Down the New SEC Cybersecurity Rules
4 Mins
On July 26, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted new cybersecurity rules. Organizations will need to disclose material cyber incidents pursuant to a prescribed timeline and information regarding risk management, strategy, and...
Read MoreDeepfakes Bring Deep Risk
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Most people know what a deepfake is but have not put much thought into how it could affect business operations. Deepfakes are videos, pictures, or audio that have been convincingly manipulated to misrepresent a person saying something they never...
Read MoreIt’s Time to Blow the Whistle on Deficient Cyber Reporting Programs
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What exactly is cybersecurity whistleblowing? That is a question that all organizations should be asking, but the answer is not a simple one. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a whistleblower is defined as an 'employee who brings...
Read MoreHow Thinking Outside Silos Helps Risk Management and Cyber Threat Response
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The term “risk” gets tossed around constantly in the corporate world. But who is responsible for defining and managing risk? This answer is not black and white, as risk type and appetite will look different for every organization. What should be a...
Read MoreElevating Cyber Risk Analysis During M&A Due Diligence
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Before a deal closes on a merger or acquisition, due diligence investigation will ensue to confirm goal alignment and identify any obstacles present. There are several integral components of this process such as identifying transaction purpose...
Read MoreMandated Cyber and Privacy CLE for New York Attorneys – Will Other States Follow Suit?
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The majority of U.S. states require attorneys with active law licenses to complete continuing legal education (CLE) credits. The number of hours, reporting deadlines, and topic requirements differ between jurisdictions. It is not only important...
Read MoreKey Ethical Obligations in the Era of Modern Law
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To achieve modernization, the legal industry is operating off a new mindset requiring focus on efficiency and innovation when making operational decisions. Legal departments, law firms, legal service providers, and other legal professionals are...
Read MoreCounsel and the Breach Response Lifecycle: Best Practices at Every Stage
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The shift to automated business processes and digital data management has definitely been a key enabler for organizations across industries. This fosters more efficient transactions, saves on costs, reduces time spent on projects, and helps...
Read MoreRising Premiums and Ransomware: The Cyber Insurance Balancing Act
5 Mins
With greater potential for data compromises comes a greater need to explore cyber insurance. The dilemma that ensues is that when attack prevalence rises, it heightens risk for both organizations and insurers.
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