Supreme Court Limits Individual Arbitration Agreement Enforcement
5 Mins
When an employee signs an individual arbitration agreement, they agree to go through arbitration as opposed to filing a lawsuit if a legal issue arises in the workplace. As one can imagine, these agreements are regularly the subject of debate when...
Read MoreTCPA Case May Affect Regulatory Guidance Deference
4 Mins
An upcoming Supreme Court decision may determine if agency interpretive guidance of regulations under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act controls on issues before district courts, or whether those courts can independently interpret the act...
Read MoreALSPs Best Business Practices
4 Mins
Law firms have complicated relationships with alternative legal service providers. In some cases, the ALSPs are serious competitors. In other cases, ALSPs help law firms to improve and expand law firm services to their clients. Let’s talk about...
Read MoreProposed Changes to Rule 30(b)(6) are Met with Criticism
5 Mins
Rule 30(b)(6) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which pertains to taking oral depositions during litigation, is currently under review.
Read MoreAlternative Legal Service Providers and the Law Firm: Friend or Foe? It Depends.
5 Mins
In 2017, Thomson Reuters, Georgetown Law Center for the Study of the Legal Profession and the University of Oxford Said Business School partnered in a study on Alternative Legal Services Providers (ALSPs). They reported that 51% of law firms and...
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