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Returning to the Office: Preparing for a Hybrid Work Environment (Part Two)

2 Mins

As we begin to consider what law firm operations will look like post-pandemic, numerous firms are in the process of building and implementing their Return-to-Office (RTO) strategies to...

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Global Trends in Antitrust Enforcement and Litigation

5 Mins

There has been a distinct shift in the scope and breadth of investigations by global competition regulators, as well as an uptick in the number of antitrust related litigations. With an...

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Returning to the Office: Preparing for a Hybrid Work Environment

3 Mins

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic forced organizations to adopt flexible working models, and the legal industry was no exception. However, with restrictions being lifted and vaccines...

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Market Survey Provides Insight on Partnerships with Legal Operation Teams

4 Mins

Legal operations has become a growing focus as organizations prioritize finding new ways to increase efficiencies within the legal department. Legal operations teams are tasked with...

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How to Handle Hyperlinks: Current and Future eDiscovery Practices

7 Mins

As digital habits change and the shift to virtual work continues to evolve in business, new eDiscovery challenges will inevitably emerge. For example, litigators commonly debate over the...

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The Future of Subchapter V: Navigating the Pandemic and Beyond

4 Mins

Bankruptcy courts have had an increase in activity since the COVID-19 pandemic struck, especially for small businesses facing financial challenges. The Small Business Reorganization Act...

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Current Trends in Legal Spend – Where do ALSPs Stand?

6 Mins

As the legal industry continues to embrace new technologies and business partnerships, organizations are taking a closer look at legal spend. Getting better visibility and insight into...

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Best Practices for Tackling Internal Investigations in the Era of Remote Work

5 Mins

In a time where it seems like everyone is working remote, at least to some degree, it is more challenging to navigate internal investigations. When the pandemic struck, many organizations...

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More Tech, More Problems? New ABA Rules on Professional Conduct for Working Virtually Provide Guidance

4 Mins

In March, the American Bar Association (ABA) released a lengthy opinion on virtual practice. Formal Opinion 498 states that while the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct allow lawyers...

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New CFPB Guidance has Loan Servicers Rethinking Communication Strategies

3 Mins

On April 1, 2021, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued a Compliance Bulletin titled “Supervision and Enforcement Priorities Regarding Housing Insecurity”. The bulletin...

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Is the AI Revolution Creating Information Governance Problems?

5 Mins

The world is powered by data and technology. With all the focus and new legislation on data privacy, organizations need to keep governance at the forefront when reconciling the use of...

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How Data Mapping Can Drive Compliance with Global Privacy Laws

5 Mins

As consumer privacy continues to be a global concern, it is increasingly important to know where company data resides in order to maintain compliance. It is no longer just the European...

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