Records &
Information Management
Outsourcing your records and information management (RIM) program with Epiq provides access to subject matter experts.
Epiq can help manage day to day operations as well as implement policies and procedures that will mitigate risk and save money.
Sometimes the best way to relieve pressure on internal teams is to outsource some or all the records management and information management tasks they are currently facing. Epiq's experts deliver solutions that fit your organization's specific records management needs. Functions that may have been labor intensive or difficult to manage with internal resources can become efficient and risk resistant in the hands of expertly trained teams.
Experience and Depth You Come to Expect:
We strongly believe in the value that information governance brings to corporate compliance, risk management, and the bottom line, and because of this belief, we have made significant investments to bring industry leading RIG expertise and services to our clients. Leverage Epiq's unparalleled expertise and extensive resources in Records and Information Management to mature your program into the future as your business needs evolve.