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The Ins and Outs of Early Case Assessment for a Cyber Incident Review

4 Mins

In the fast-moving industry of cyber incident response, success and efficiency come from preparation. Once a matter is promoted to review, the most common request for timing is “as soon...

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Considerations to Streamline Cyber Incident Response Reviews

5 Mins

Dealing with a cyber incident is an incredibly stressful time for clients and counsel. Not only is there the stress of dealing with the initial breach, but also the pressure to do a...

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Increasing Your Managed Services Benefits by Expanding Beyond eDiscovery

5 Mins

For many managed services programs in the legal market, eDiscovery applications, best-practices, and support personnel comprise most of the services being offered to law firms, law...

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Legal Invoice Review - How Can You Maximize the Process?

7 Mins

After a wild ride through COVID-19, economic uncertainty, and political turmoil during 2020, legal departments are gearing up to enter an altered landscape. With firms making sweeping...

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