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4. Choose Plan 5. Enter Payment Details
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Choose the plan
that’s right for you.
5 steps to place an order:
1. Click Get Started 2. Create Account 3. Validate Email 4. Choose Plan 5. Enter Payment Details
Access to new filing, open case, closed case, and stakeholder metrics - always updated daily
Access to new filing, open case, closed case, and stakeholder metrics - always updated daily
See images and short demo videos of each dashboard to familiarize yourself.
- Filings Dashboard
New and historical bankruptcy filings
and adversarial proceeding metrics
updated daily
View Dashboard | Watch Demo
- Filings Dashboard
New and historical bankruptcy filings
and adversarial proceeding metrics
updated daily
View Dashboard | Watch Demo
- Open Cases Dashboard
Current and historical open case
metrics across states, courts and
View Dashboard | Watch Demo
- Closed Cases Dashboard
Duration and count disposition metrics
for discharged, dismissed and closes
View Dashboard | Watch Demo
- Stakeholders Dashboard
Current and historical assignments and
case durations by disposition for
attorneys, firms, trustees and judges across all chapters
View Dashboard | Watch Demo
- Export Ability
Filings, Open Cases, and Closed Cases Dashboards
Contact us
Access to new filing metrics -
updated daily
- Filings Dashboard
New and historical bankruptcy filings
and adversarial proceeding metrics
updated daily
View Dashboard | Watch Demo
Access to new filing, open case, closed case, and stakeholder metrics - always updated daily
- Filings Dashboard
New and historical bankruptcy filings
and adversarial proceeding metrics
updated daily
View Dashboard | Watch Demo
- Open Cases Dashboard
Current and historical open case
metrics across stats, courts and
View Dashboard | Watch Demo
- Closed Cases Dashboard
Duration and count disposition metrics
for discharged, dismissed and closes
View Dashboard | Watch Demo
- Stakeholders Dashboard
Current and historical assignments and
case durations by disposition for
attorneys, firms, trustees and judges across all chapters
View Dashboard | Watch Demo
- Export Ability
Filings, Open Cases , and Closed Cases Dashboards
Access to new filing metrics -
updated daily
- Filings Dashboard
New and historical bankruptcy filings
and adversarial proceeding metrics
updated daily
View Dashboard | Watch Demo
Access to new filing, open case, closed case, and stakeholder metrics - always updated daily
- Filings Dashboard
New and historical bankruptcy filings
and adversarial proceeding metrics
updated daily
View Dashboard | Watch Demo
- Open Cases Dashboard
Current and historical open case
metrics across stats, courts and
View Dashboard | Watch Demo
- Closed Cases Dashboard
Duration and count disposition metrics
for discharged, dismissed and closes
View Dashboard | Watch Demo
- Stakeholders Dashboard
Current and historical assignments and
case durations by disposition for
attorneys, firms, trustees and judges across all chapters
View Dashboard | Watch Demo
- Export Ability
Filings, Open Cases , and Closed Cases Dashboards
See images and short demo videos of each dashboard to familiarize yourself.
Contact us
Filings Dashboard, which includes:
Filter new filings by:
-Bankruptcy and/or adversarial proceeding
-Chapter 7, 9, 11, 11(V), 12, 13 and 15
-Individual and/or commercial cases
-Time periods of WTD, MTD, YTD, LW, LM, LY
-Variable of filing or filer
-Measure by count or per capita
Narrow results by filing or filer
Interactive heat map displaying new filings by court or by state
Bar graph display state and court rank of highest amount of new filings to lowest
View and compare total filing counts month-over-month and year-over-year
View and compare trends over time month-over-month and year-over-year
Open Cases Dashboard, which includes:
Filter open cases by:
-Bankruptcy and/or adversarial proceeding
-Chapter 7, 9, 11, 11(V), 12, 13 and 15
-Individual and/or commercial cases
-Time periods of WTD, MTD, YTD, LW, LM, LY
-Measure by count or per capita
Narrow results by open cases or active debtor
Interactive heat map displaying open cases by court or by state
Bar graph display state and court rank of highest amount of open cases to lowest
View and compare open case counts month-over-month and year-over-year
View and compare open case trends month-over-month and year-over-year
Closed Cases Dashboard, which includes:
Filter closed cases by:
-Bankruptcy and/or adversarial proceeding
-Chapter 7, 9, 11, 11(V), 12, 13 and 15
-Individual and/or commercial cases
-Time periods of WTD, MTD, YTD, LW, LM, LY
-Variable of open cases or active debtor
-Measure by count or per capita
Narrow results by closed, disposed, discharged, and/or dismissed
Interactive heat map displaying closed cases by court or by state
Bar graph display state and court rank of highest amount of closed cases to lowest
View and compare closed case counts month-over-month and year-over-year
View and compare closed case trends month-over-month and year-over-year
Stakeholders Dashboard, which includes:
Filter stakeholder metrics by:
-Stakeholder type of attorney, law firm, judge, trustee
-Stakeholder name
-Exclude or include unidentified stakeholders
-Bankruptcy and/or adversarial proceeding
-Chapter 7, 9, 11, 12, 13 and 15
-Individual and/or commercial cases
Narrow results by filings, closed, discharged, dismissed
Narrow case results to total count or duration (days) per stakeholder
Bar graph display or filing count by stakeholder from most to least
Bar graph displaying court, state, and chapter rank from most to least
Bar graph displaying attorneys and firms ranking from most to least:
-Total court appearances
-Representing primary debtor
-Representing joint debtors
-Representing both debtors
-Without partner
-With partner
View circle graph displaying breakdown of total and percentage of court appearances by primary debtor representation and joint debtor representation
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