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Multinational Food and Beverage Company Achieves Nearly $1.5M in Cost Savings with Epiq Managed Services

  • General

client need

Lower and predictable spend on eDiscovery technology

The company’s legal and investigation units determined they wanted to lower costs. With the expiration of licenses and sunsetting of technology for its internally built solution, the timing was right to seek out a new approach.

why Epiq?

The company recognized that Epiq’s deep knowledge of eDiscovery managed services meant they would have a reliable and strong program. The combination of Epiq’s best-in-class technology and outstanding client services professionals ultimately closed the deal.

Epiq solution

Flat rate, bundled services (people, process and technology)

Epiq provided the company with a managed services plan with fixed and reduced cost pricing. The plan was based on the company’s historical consumption patterns, with the ability to scale up when needed. The company realized instant savings since it did not have to reinvest in its own technologies. To keep costs low, the company was also enabled to manage its eDiscovery workflows in-house whenever possible.

Additionally, Epiq helped the company’s team learn how to use modern AI-based technologies within its workflows, resulting in more savings due to reduced data volumes.

result and benefits

Client Quote: “Working with Epiq Managed Services provided us deeper service and higher quality at a lower cost. We have a team of experts to process data for us, manage the technology and assist our outside counsel in a very predictable and cost-efficient manner.”
$1.49 million saved over 3 years
75 percent less costs
$0 spent on capital expenditures

Learn more about Epiq’s industry-leading eDiscovery Managed Services