CASE STUDY Large Global Law Firm | United States
AMLAW Top 25 Law Firm Deploys Epiq AI Discovery Assistant™ for AI Litigation Transformation
“The most magical experience”
– Lead Associate
Client Need
- Firmwide AI initiative for legal discovery.
- Sought to standardize internal litigation workflows on a leading AI platform.
- Required comprehensive training and support through transition to self-service.
- Improved client outcomes across all legal discovery use cases.
Client Solutions
- Adopted by litigation practice with 50 active users and growing, including associates and partners.
- Used for review automation, fact interrogation, deposition preparation, and early case assessment.
- Disclosed use to and accepted by numerous federal regulators and opposing parties.
- Saved clients over $10 million in direct and pass through document review fees.
- Used platform on over 12 matters totaling over 21 million documents.
- Delivered large scale AI automated reviews with average team sizes of 3-5 review attorneys.
Why Epiq
- Best-in-class proprietary AI technology.
- Global footprint and capabilities.
- Expert training and support for customers seeking self-sufficiency, full-service, or a blend.
Results and Benefits
Improved legal and financial outcomes for law firm clients across the litigation practice.
Avoided more than $10 million in pass-through attorney review fees.
Disclosed and gained acceptance of SEC, DOJ, FDIC, and Federal Reserve.
Litigators reporting better work experience through cutting-edge and effective AI.