A Direct Comparison Strengthens Ties to Epiq Trustee Services
- Trustee Services
The keys to Trustee Paul Chael’s 36-year relationship with Epiq Trustee Services are the speed, reliability, and peace of mind they offer. “I’m in the system all day every day,” he explains. “Having that system not only work well, but having the support behind it is absolutely crucial to what I do. We can’t have mistakes. We can’t have glitches in the software. We can’t have problems that we can’t resolve quickly by getting through to them. If any of that happens, my world crumbles.”
Chael acknowledges that he’s grown very used to Epiq’s software over the years, but beyond familiarity, quantifiable benefits keep him coming back. “I’m functioning as interim trustee for another office right now,” he says, “and they’re using another vendor instead of Epiq.“ The opportunity for head-to-head comparison has been instructive.
“The competition doesn’t have some of the automated case projection capabilities that Epiq does,” he begins. “For instance, when I’m preparing for a court call, I can prepare a report on Epiq that gives me everything I need. I can’t on the other system, and it doesn’t have some of the features in terms of projecting cases out, or how well they’re going to work. It’s just not as thoughtful of a system.” Another differentiator is the ability to streamline reporting. “On the other platform, you can eventually get all this information, but you have to generate multiple reports to get what I can get from one report in Epiq’s system.

The proactive help you need at audit time

The opportunity to attend annual, in-person training from Epiq helps the trusteeship stay abreast of new software capabilities, as well as the Epiq software roadmap. “Right now,” Chael observes, “we’re in an environment of shrinking caseloads across the industry. Everything we can do to be more efficient is helpful.” The trainings provide hands-on opportunities to work on specific personal training needs and have questions answered. “They’ll have a room of computers set up so everybody can go in and experiment with whatever it is they’re showing us,” Chael adds, “be it a new process or a new software release.”
After 36 years with Epiq, an opportunity for a direct competitive comparison only strengthened Chael’s confidence in Epiq Trustee Services. “All I know is that a side-by-side comparison of Epiq with the competition makes me glad I’m still here.”
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