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Blockchain Holds Potential to Improve and Streamline Compliance

2 Mins

Even as the value of bitcoin plunged from a high of $20,000 in late 2017 to about $4,000 in late February 2019, according to Bloomberg, interest in the technology behind it grew...

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UK Companies May Face Liability for Breaches By Independent Actors

7 Mins

On January 12, 2017, a U.K. court rendered a decision in a class action that could affect the way U.K. courts view vicarious liability for data breaches.

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FTC Update: Agency Continues to Crack Down on Privacy Violations

6 Mins

A major goal of the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) is to protect consumer privacy. The rise in technology has made personal information of consumers more vulnerable than ever before...

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Tips for Staying Ethical When Using Social Media in Legal Practice

5 Mins

Social media has revolutionized the world we live in today both in the personal and professional spheres. Many lawyers and law firms use social media for business purposes such as...

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Yes, Blockchain Can Be Hacked: 3 Ways It Can Be Done

5 Mins

Since blockchain is supposed to be extremely secure and unalterable, many individuals have dubbed this technology as “unhackable”. However, recent incidents have unfortunately shown that...

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SEC Remains Focused on Cybersecurity

3 Mins

After a long silence since guidance was last issued a year ago, there’s now widespread expectation that the Securities and Exchange Commission will get much more specific this year about...

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Creating an Information Governance Structure

6 Mins

A well-crafted information governance framework can properly manage valuable data and minimize risk. But not all data protection programs are created equal. Security measures taken by an...

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The Importance of Information Governance in Today’s Regulatory Environment

4 Mins

As massive data breaches continue to make headlines, companies of all sizes are focusing their efforts on information security. But before an organization can put security policies and...

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New Disclosure Pilot Scheme Begins in England and Wales

5 Mins

Parties with matters taking place in England and Wales need to be aware of a new disclosure pilot scheme that has become mandatory, with some exceptions, in English and Welsh business and...

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What To Know About The President’s Artificial Intelligence Executive Order

4 Mins

On February 11, 2019, President Trump signed an executive order that asks federal agencies to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into their daily operations. Known as the American AI...

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Top Trends at Legaltech 2019

6 Mins

Legal technology professionals and attorneys recently flooded New York for the annual Legaltech conference. Attendees spent their days listening to the keynote addresses, participating in...

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Google Hit With Large Fine For Non-Compliance With GDPR

4 Mins

The General Data Protection Act has been making headlines for quite some time now, especially the potential fines that can be levied for non-compliance. Since the law’s recent enactment...

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