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Four Steps to Shed Light on Dark Data

5 Mins

The term “dark data” is tossed around often in the corporate sphere, but does anyone really know what it is? Dark data encompasses all data that organizations create and store as a part...

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What Does the Internet Know About You?

7 Mins

You might be surprised to find out just how much of your data is bought and sold on the Internet. We do so much online, but rarely think about how much of that information companies store...

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Connecting Your Teams

5 Mins

When a workforce goes remote, keeping communication lines open and flowing is critical to a team’s ability to make decisions and ensure that projects get done on time. This is where...

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CCPA Update – It’s Time to Review Your Compliance Checklist

7 Mins

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which is the most groundbreaking data security legislation in the United States, is now enforceable. Broadly, the CCPA provides consumers...

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The Tension Between Competition and Tech Are Gaining Global Attention

7 Mins

Both U.S. agencies are reviewing the situation and seeking ways to change antitrust policies to regulate big tech more tightly.

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Travel Days May Be Postponed, But When it Comes Back, Be Prepared to Protect Sensitive Data

5 Mins

Often, the phrase “border search” produces thoughts of seeking and seizing a physical object. However, many searches require a computer to be searched – and not just the actual hardware.

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3 Tips To Avoiding Legal Technology Overload

5 Mins

With emerging technologies, independent research and self-education is not always enough. Talking with outside consultants will help law departments understand what they technologies can...

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Salesforce On The Breach: Consumers Fight Back After Their Data Was Sold On The Dark Web

3 Mins

California continues to lead on data privacy protection. Since the adoption of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), cracking down on data breaches and promoting consumer privacy...

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Using Microsoft 365 to Stay Compliant with Data Privacy Laws

5 Mins

Data privacy laws are popping up everywhere. Two years after the EU implemented the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), providing individuals with significant control over their...

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The Tech Factor: Special eDiscovery Considerations for the Tech Sector

3 Mins

Many questions arise during the discovery process: What type of data do parties need to preserve? How should they obtain, review, and disclose it?

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When the Cookie Crumbles: Four Reasons Why Cookie Consent Does Not Work

6 Mins

It is impossible to browse the Internet without bumping into a popup window requesting consent to enable cookies on the page. Cookies are text files saved to devices that contain...

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Four Things Organizations Should Do to Comply With New York’s SHIELD Act

6 Mins

In recent years, many states have been updating their data privacy laws to account for new technologies and security risks. On Oct. 23, 2019, a New York law on data breach notification...

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