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Can Technology-Assisted Review Expedite Finding the Cure for COVID-19?

3 Mins

Typically, if you hear “technology-assisted review” echoing in a room, you’re probably in a courtroom. Surprisingly, that may no longer be the case. Maura Grossman and Gordon Cormack are...

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Digital Mailroom: A Vital Component of your Information Governance Strategy

4 Mins

It can be difficult to bridge the gap between digital and physical data in an Information Governance program. With multiple types of data entering an organization that require proper...

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How can AI help you with Force Majeure

4 Mins

Reviewing for clauses can be a tedious task, especially since many organizations have thousands of contracts with differently worded clauses. So, how can attorneys efficiently get through...

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The Power of Adaptability To Insure Business Continuity During COVID-19

4 Mins

The full impact of COVID-19 is yet to be determined, but it is certainly taking a toll on both the global economy and our day-to-day lives. However, organizations with well-constructed...

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3 Tips To Avoiding Legal Technology Overload

5 Mins

With emerging technologies, independent research and self-education is not always enough. Talking with outside consultants will help law departments understand what they technologies can...

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How AI Streamlines and Improves Contract Review

5 Mins

Currently, there are artificial intelligence (AI) tools on the market that aid with contract review and negotiation. AI-technology is gaining popularity amongst legal professionals who...

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Got a Mass Tort Case? Tips for Getting Started

4 Mins

When accepting a mass tort case, it can be a daunting task to manage a large group of clients. Whether a firm is brand new to mass tort litigation or just looking to brush up on best...

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The Future of eDiscovery Post COVID-19

9 Mins

While COVID-19 and remote work news abounds, one thing legal professionals may have not yet considered is how COVID-19 related changes may alter the eDiscovery process forever.

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Three Key Benefits of eDiscovery Metrics Reporting

6 Mins

Litigation and investigations are expensive for corporations, but enlisting outside help or going to court is often a costly prerequisite.

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New Facial Recognition Technology Further Blurs the Line Between Privacy and Innovation

6 Mins

It’s been a long time since facial recognition technology was considered mere science fiction. Today, facial recognition technology has risen in popularity, making it commonplace and...

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Salesforce On The Breach: Consumers Fight Back After Their Data Was Sold On The Dark Web

3 Mins

California continues to lead on data privacy protection. Since the adoption of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), cracking down on data breaches and promoting consumer privacy...

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Legalweek New York 2020: The Time Has Come for Lawyers to React Proactively to Data and Technology

9 Mins

Lawyers must not only stay up-to-date on the latest legal technology trends, but also be proactive about implementing emerging solutions into their practice and ensuring smooth onboarding...

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