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IPBM: The Unifying Framework Behind IP Management

3 Mins

The first two installments in this series explained the evolution of the Intellectual Property Business Management (IPBM) model, noting that it is not a platform or “collaboration portal,...

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Canada’s Long Awaited Privacy Bill Introduced: How Does it Stack Up?

4 Mins

There has been chatter in Canada for nearly two years about initiating comprehensive legislative reform to the country’s data privacy landscape. The process recently ramped up this June...

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IPBM Evolves: Innovation Goes Social

3 Mins

Having described the modern Intellectual Property Business Management (IPBM) model in our prior post, we now focus on a key driver in the shift toward IPBM - the challenge of cultivating...

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Remaining Compliant Amidst Challenges When Using Chat Applications in the Workplace

4 Mins

Communication is different in the modern workplace. Gone are the days of phone calls and email being the primary channels of interaction. Many organizations are frequently utilizing chat...

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Intellectual Property Business Management (IPBM) Evolves

3 mins

How to Handle Privilege When Producing Documents to the Government in Antitrust Matters

4 Mins

The identification of privileged content remains one of the most time-intensive undertakings of any discovery project. In recent years, there have been significant developments in the...

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International Data Transfers: Knowing Which Rules Apply to Comply

3 min

While countries all over the globe continue to make data privacy strides, comparing similarities and differences between the EU and U.K. is important in light of Brexit. It is also...

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Elevating Cyber Risk Analysis During M&A Due Diligence

4 Mins

Before a deal closes on a merger or acquisition, due diligence investigation will ensue to confirm goal alignment and identify any obstacles present. There are several integral components...

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Mandated Cyber and Privacy CLE for New York Attorneys – Will Other States Follow Suit?

3 Mins

The majority of U.S. states require attorneys with active law licenses to complete continuing legal education (CLE) credits. The number of hours, reporting deadlines, and topic...

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Planning for a Remediation: Proactive Considerations for Financial Institutions

3 Mins

Financial institutions are more regularly dealing with voluntary remediations and public consent order activity due to heightened scrutiny by regulators and changing internal policies. In...

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Best Practices for Positioning TAR in Antitrust Litigation Matters

4 Mins

In the early days of Technology Assisted Review (TAR), lawyers were sometimes hesitant about discussing TAR tools with opposing parties and the courts. Apart from a general concern about...

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Key Ethical Obligations in the Era of Modern Law

3 Mins

To achieve modernization, the legal industry is operating off a new mindset requiring focus on efficiency and innovation when making operational decisions. Legal departments, law firms...

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