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Data Subject Rights Form

If you have a question about a claim you filed, please email us at the address on the settlement case website. For all other requests, including information about our services, please complete the form located on the Contact Us page to ensure that your inquiry is addressed promptly.

Epiq is fully committed to protecting the privacy and security of all data entrusted to us by our customers, employees and others. In accordance with European and other related national laws you may have the right to, among other things, request access to personal information about you that Epiq maintains. To make a subject access request, please complete this form so that we have a record of your request and can respond promptly.

All fields below are required.

Thank you for your help!

Required to select at least ONE of the following:
Please provide a proof of residence by attaching one of the following:
- Your bank or credit card statement (You must send a photo/scan of a physical letter of PDF copy of your statement)
- Your utility bill - Gas, Electric, Phone (We cannot accept mobile phone bills)
- Your council tax bill, or a HMRC notification
- Your vehicle registration tax
- Your photo driving license showing your address and its expiry date
- Other government or financial institution issued document
To ensure we are releasing data to the right person we require you to provide us with proof of your identity. Please supply us with the following:
- Photocopy or scanned image of current Passport
- Driver's License
Requirements for validation documents
- Attach appropriate documents for Address Verification
- Attach image of passport or drivers license to satisfy the need to validate Proof of Identity
We reserve the right to request additional information to authenticate your identity if we determine necessary.
What type of request are you making? Select all that apply:
Please describe the information you are seeking and include any relevant details you think will help us to identify the information you require.
Please note that if the information you request reveals details directly or indirectly about another person we will have to seek the consent of that person before we can let you see that information. In certain circumstances, where disclosure would adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others, we may not be able to disclose the information to you, in which case you will be informed promptly and given full reasons for that decision. While in most cases we will be happy to provide you with copies of the information you request, we nevertheless reserve the right, in accordance with Article 14 of the GDPR, not to provide you with copies of information requested if doing so would take “disproportionate effort”, or in accordance with Article 12 of the GDPR to charge a fee or refuse the request if it is considered to be “manifestly unfounded or excessive”. However, we will make every effort to provide you with a satisfactory form of access or summary of information if suitable.
We will make every reasonable effort to provide the information you request within one month of receipt and will inform you if we need more time to respond.