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Epiq Discovery tool helps large IT company with mass internal email review

  • Technology

client need

The client is a multinational company that sought assistance with reviewing internal emails for small-scale litigation cases and data subject access requests (DSARs).

The company was facing challenges with the review process for internal emails, resulting in a cumbersome and time-consuming process. They required a comprehensive solution for complete review of all internal employees’ email, manage small-scale litigation matters, and handle DSAR requests efficiently while keeping costs in check.


why Epiq?

As an Epiq customer for other matters, the client was introduced to the new Epiq Discovery platform and trusted the solution could help with their immediate needs.

Epiq solution

Being an existing Epiq customer, the client was introduced to Epiq Discovery, an eDiscovery and investigation platform powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), to address their immediate needs. Epiq Discovery leveraged AWS services such as Amazon Comprehend, Aurora RDS, OpenSearch, and S3 to deliver scalable, secure, and cost-effective solutions for internal investigations, small legal matters, and electronic document production. The platform utilized machine learning techniques to extract insights from unstructured text data, including emails, resumes, and job descriptions. Additionally, it ensured comprehensive data protection by identifying and safeguarding sensitive information, such as personally identifiable information (PII) stored within AWS S3 buckets.

results and benefits

Epiq Discovery provided efficient data organisation and review capabilities. The platform simplified data tagging, enabling easier and quicker review processes. It improved de-duplication efforts and reduced overall review volume by 14% through global deduplication techniques. The reduction in review volume translated to cost savings by minimising billable hours associated with attorney review. The client gained the ability to independently manage projects from creation to archival/deletion without requiring intervention from Epiq resources. Additionally, the platform maintained strict security restrictions to prevent any security breaches.

87% reduction in project duration
800 hours of attorney review time no longer required
11K cost savings

About the Partner: Epiq, a global technology-enabled services leader to the legal industry and corporations, takes on large-scale, increasingly complex tasks for corporate counsel, law firms, and business professionals with efficiency, clarity, and confidence. Clients rely on Epiq to streamline the administration of business operations, class action and mass tort, court reporting, eDiscovery, regulatory, compliance, restructuring, and bankruptcy matters. Epiq subject-matter experts and technologies create efficiency through expertise and deliver confidence to high-performing clients around the world. Epiq participates in the AWS Partner Network and leverages AWS to provide its clients with secure, scalable, and cost-effective solutions for managing electronic documents.


Learn more about Epiq Discovery’s capabilities