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Forging a Path Forward When Legal Tech Fumbles

4 Mins

The use of legal technology is up 53 percent as more legal departments are searching for new ways to use these tools to manage their workflows, according to the Thomson Reuters 2023 Legal...

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Changes in Legal Operations - A Look Back Over the Last Decade

3 Mins

As the legal landscape evolves at unprecedented speed, the role of legal operations within a business continues to transform. Legal departments are under increasing pressure to serve the...

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Did You Mean To Buy That? Advice For Billing Non-Compliance

3 Mins

"Did we mean to buy that?” This is, fundamentally, the question that Legal Operations professionals often want to ask their litigation team stakeholders. To succeed, Legal Operations and...

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Welcome to the Third Generation of ALSPs: The Future of Legal Service Delivery

3 Mins

A new breed of Alternative Legal Service Providers (ALSPs) is entering the scene. These providers are considered “third generation” because they take the most innovative approach to legal...

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Using Metrics to Tell a Story with Data

3 Mins

“Data is the new gold.” This adage is popping up across industries as more organisations recognise the value that lives in business data. When properly harnessing information and tracking...

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The New Era of Legal is Here: Are You Ready?

4 Mins

The sky is falling! AI is taking the legal industry by storm and lawyers will soon be extinct! This was a common refrain amongst legal professionals in New York last week at the 2023...

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ChatGPT: What’s the fuss?
Demystifying Generative AI in Legal

4 Mins

What’s all the buzz around ChatGPT? This new chatbot, powered by an artificial intelligence (AI)-based language model called GPT-3, has caused a lot of waves lately in our industry. Users...

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Streamline Your Process with a Legal RFP Management Team

3 Mins

Corporate law departments must answer these two crucial questions at the start of every matter, and it’s increasingly common for them to implement a traditional Request for Proposal (RFP)...

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10 Outside Counsel Guideline Practices For Strong Operational Relationships

4 Mins

For in-house legal departments, relationships with Outside Counsel are integral to the overall management of matters and outcomes. A solid relationship creates synergy and partnership; a...

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A Note to CFOs From the Legal Industry

3 Mins

As economists debate whether the world economy is headed for a recession with a “small r,” a “slowcession" or a “soft landing,” CFOs are increasingly turning to the most common way to...

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Intellectual Property Business Management (IPBM) Evolves

3 mins

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