Case Study: Financial Services Firm Saves US$400K in Review Costs Following Cyber Incident
- Financial Services

Financial Services Firm

United States

Client Need
The client found a high volume of exported Slack messages (439,321), which required review, and would potentially cost the client US$500K.

Client Solution
Epiq could have moved on to review the data, recognising the client’s position, they developed a solution that saved the client hundreds of thousands of dollars and a significant period of review time. Epiq applied multiple iterative rounds of its standard data mining process and additional investigative approaches. The two culling tracks determined that 94% of the original documents could be excluded, resulting in a final review population of 30,240 documents.

Why Epiq
Epiq’s Cyber Incident Response (CIR) team are industry leaders, sit on many insurance panels and are known to competently handle any size breach and incident response project. Size, scale, and relationships make Epiq a natural choice for a defensible CIR solution that delivers value.
Results and Benefits
unexpected files needing interrogation
in review costs avoided
years of industry experience