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CASE STUDY  Clean Energy and Climate Technology Company | United States

Energy Company Completes High Volume of Complex Commercial Agreements


Epiq Counsel

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Client Need

The client required immediate legal support to keep up with commercial agreements that contain complex intellectual property (IP) language during a surge in contracts volume and rapid growth.

Client Solutions

An Epiq Counsel lawyer with over 20 years of industry experience in IP and commercial transactions was able to:

  •  Work with internal stakeholders and counterparties to complete a high volume of complex software and non-disclosure agreements.
  •  Provide advice related to IP protection.

Why Epiq

Epiq Counsel provides corporate legal departments with flexible and experienced lawyers and legal professionals covering all major practice areas on an interim, cost-effective basis.

Results and Benefits

The client integrated an experienced IP lawyer within days.

A cost-effective solution fulfills a complex legal department need.