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Epiq AI Discovery Assistant™

Reimagine your eDiscovery process using AI technology that significantly increases review speed, accuracy, and cost efficiency.

Complete reviews up to 90% faster than TAR or linear review.

Automate more than 80% of traditional review processes.

Review data for issues, privilege, and responsiveness using prompts and models automatically created from review protocols.

Without repeating workflows, explore new insights that could not have been uncovered using natural language search.

Drive Stronger Outcomes With First-Of-Its-Kind AI

Key Features


Knowledge Layer

  •  Uncover insights unavailable using natural language search with AI that automatically surfaces relationships between key players, events, facts, and evidence across data sets and verifiable facts. 
  •  Achieve automated classification accuracy by infusing Knowledge Layer context into each decision request. 

Tag Prediction

  • Identify relevance, unlimited issues, privilege, and PII directly from review protocols or written instructions.    
  •  Review pre-processed and annotated files with automatic entity extraction and linking, infusing Knowledge Layer context for accurate tag prediction.
  •  Gain visibility into AI decision-making and performance with accuracy, precision, and recall metrics.

Evidence Interrogation 

  •  Question the Knowledge Layer and full datasets using a chat interface and receive answers linked to cited evidence. 
  •  Enhance accuracy with support from pre-trained models for topics such as anger, joy, business plans, and financial documents.
  •  Safeguard matter data with AI that use private language models that do not train public models.

Why Epiq AI Discovery Assistant for Review?

Automate 80%

of traditional review processes and achieve up to

90% faster 


Analyse up to 500,000 documents

per hour

Edit, save, version, and reapply protocols

without triggering additional fees


Connect verifiable facts

across datasets surfacing insights lawyers cannot otherwise find

Adjust precision and recall thresholds

across datasets surfacing for defensibility

Secure matter data with AI 

that uses private language models that do not train public models

Epiq News

Epiq Announces Epiq AI Discovery Assistant™ and Epiq AI Labs

AI Discovery Assistant Solution Brief

Increase review speed, accuracy, and cost efficiency beyond TAR or linear review.

Expedite your eDiscovery process with managed review teams using Epiq AI Discovery Assistant™.