Spring Bankruptcy Boom Foretells Broad-Based Insolvency
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The American Lawyer
If there’s a silver lining to the spat of large corporate bankruptcies that have dominated headlines this year, it’s that many of them may ultimately be written off as failures of management. Bed Bath & Beyond admitted it hadn’t fully grasped the potential of online shopping, according to an article from The American Lawyer.
With creditors losing patience after years of seeing what might happen to distressed companies across sectors, this spring is proving to be the busiest season for corporate bankruptcy filings since the same period of 2020, according to BankruptcyData.com. The first quarter alone was the biggest quarter in corporate bankruptcy since at least 2010, according to S&P Global Market Intelligence. And per Epiq Global data, March saw commercial bankruptcy filings rise 79% over March 2022.
Read the full article here.
Carrie Trent