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Case Study: Global Pharmaceutical Expedites Document Review in Preparation for Securities Class Action, Reducing Costs by Half

  • Healthcare \ Pharma


A global pharmaceutical company


United States

Client Need

The client was under significant time and cost pressure to complete a large-scale document review project in anticipation of a securities class action lawsuit. 

Client Solution

The client leveraged Epiq’s full analytics suite to assist the litigation team and complement Epiq’s industry expert talent. Our review teams worked across custodial and non-custodial data from disparate sources and data types including clinical SDTM and ADaM data.

From an initial set of 13 million documents of numerous data types, Epiq executed a combination of technology assisted review and multiple filtering methods to reduce the review set to 3.9 million documents, expediting review within Relativity and obtaining critical matter insights.

Why Epiq

The client turned to Epiq for our dedicated team of pharma industry specialists and experience in complex pharmaceutical litigation matters. Our deep understanding of pharma litigation challenges guided an aggressive yet defensible strategy of data analysis and reduction, cost-efficient and high-quality managed review, complex productions, privilege review, logging, and redactions, and HIPAA de-identification redactions

Results and Benefits


documents produced on a rolling basis every two weeks to fulfill production deadlines


documents mass tagged/propagated or culled from review


documents reviewed


cost savings