CASE STUDY Financial Services Company | United States
FinServ Company Reduces Contracts Processing Time by 80%
Client Need
Improve CLM processes to organise contracts better and eliminate manual work.
Client Solutions
- Define existing capabilities and identify opportunities to leverage current technology investments.
- Determine CLM technology requirements to align with the client’s technical environment and processes.
- Automate self-service contracts processes.
- Deliver a long-term roadmap to implement a broad Contract Management Transformation initiative.
Why Epiq
- Over 1,000 Contracts Solutions projects for global Fortune 5000 companies.
- More than 275 global CLM implementations.
- A dedicated CLM implementation team with proprietary Machine Learning capabilities.
Results and Benefits
80% faster average contracts processing cycle times.
A legal team focusing on higher value-add matters.
50% reduction in manual steps.
Better visibility and analytics for 45,000 contracts.