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Moving Information Governance to the Driver’s Seat to Accelerate Cyber Breach Response

3 Mins

Information Governance often takes a back seat to other organizational initiatives. But why is this the case? The list of reasons is long and varied. Not knowing where to start or how to...

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How Does India’s New Law Fit into the Global Data Privacy Landscape?

3 Mins

Changes to India data privacy laws have been a long time coming. A 2017 US Supreme Court decision sparked legislative overhaul when concluding that privacy is a fundamental right.

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Move it or Lose it – With Cyber Breach Response, Time is of the Essence

2 Mins

There are so many factors that go into breach response. Determining the size of the breach, time limitations, legal requirements, notification needs, urgency for containment, and...

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How to Remain Data Defensible During Divestitures

3 Mins

Create a divesture strategy, monitor the portfolio, find a buyer, prepare to separate a portion of the business, close the sale, and oversee the transitionary period. This is the usual...

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Changes in Legal Operations - A Look Back Over the Last Decade

3 Mins

As the legal landscape evolves at unprecedented speed, the role of legal operations within a business continues to transform. Legal departments are under increasing pressure to serve the...

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Proceed With Caution: Understanding 2023 DOJ Guidance on Ephemeral Messaging

4 Mins

The corporate world has once again been forced to adapt as communication trends change. When ephemeral messaging first gained popularity, it was merely a fun way to send disappearing...

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AI Evolution: Prompting and Problem Solving

3 mins

Antitrust and Global Investigations: The Era of the Legal Technologist Has Arrived

3 Mins

The marriage of technology expertise with the license to practice law is in high demand and essential to the efficient handling of large-scale and complex antitrust and white-collar...

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New EU-US Data Transfer Framework Finalised: What Does the Future Hold?

4 Mins

With data privacy landscapes changing around the globe, how can organisations handle cross-border deals while still remaining compliant? This has been a burning question over recent years.

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Nothing to Fear Here – Using AI Tools Responsibly Breeds Success

3 Mins

The news is flooded with stories about artificial intelligence (AI) tools -- some shining light on the benefits, and others meant to invoke fear and panic. While the latter has bred some...

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Fireworks Aren’t the Only Explosions This Summer - ALSP Market Growth Is Lighting up New Opportunities for Legal

3 Mins

It’s that time of year again in the US with the recent 4 th of July celebrations! Fireworks are lighting up the sky and captivating audiences that gather to see what the display holds. A...

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Using Legal Data to Enhance Relationships

4 Mins

Taking a business centred approach to legal issues continues to grow in practice. Modern law is here to stay, which encompasses the act of embracing emerging technologies and new...

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