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Jonathan White Solutions Architect, Legal Solutions

United Kingdom

+44 (0) 20 7367 9141

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Epiq Expert

Jonathan White has more than a decade of experience assisting clients across Europe with overcoming the complex technical challenges associated with large-scale international litigation, internal investigations, and information governance. Guiding them through matters from beginning to end including initial data preservation, forensic analysis and accelerating results through leveraging artificial intelligence. Working with major banking, pharmaceutical, and insurance clients to get to the heart of issues such as financial fraud, bribery, insider trading, and whistle-blower allegations. 

Previous Professional Experience

Prior to Epiq, Jonathan accumulated a wealth of experience working at legal technology providers across the industry. Most recently at Deloitte Switzerland, where as a manager he oversaw largescale eDiscovery exercises, internal investigations and data analytics projects for major banking, insurance and construction clients.

During the course of his career, he has also specialised in cross-border investigations, deploying technology behind client firewalls and managing numerous matters across Central and Eastern Europe.

Education/Speaking Expertise

He holds an electronic engineering degree from the University of Surrey. He also holds a range of industry recognised certifications including being recognised as a Relativity Certified Administrator (RCA) and achieving Relativity Expert status.     

White has served as a frequent speaker, most recently on topics such as the acceptance of predictive coding/analytics by regulators and how generative AI will change the landscape of eDiscovery and investigations. 

experts: a-z

Jack Grimes

Managing Director, Forensics

Mark Habbinga

Senior Managing Director of Legal Transformation Services

Francis Hawthorne

Senior Director, Operations

Brandon Hollinder

Director, eDiscovery Managed Services

Brian Hunt

Consulting Director, Corporate Restructuring

Brett Irizarry

Client Services Director, Antitrust

Ellen Jones Polhamus

Senior Vice President, eDiscovery Client Services

Ken Kehoe

Associate Director, Antitrust, Document Review Services

Brennen Kelly

Vice President, Class Action and Mass Tort Solutions

Eric Kerwood

Managing Director, Corporate Restructuring
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