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2019 REVIEW: Your Favorite Five

  • eDiscovery
  • 3 Mins

The Angle wishes all our readers a wonderful holiday and happy new year!  We want to thank all of you for your continued support and suggestions.

As 2020 approaches, we wanted to make the last post of 2019 a review of our most popular blogs. The legal industry is constantly changings and we’re thrilled that you look to Epiq to stay up to date on those trends.

In the past twelve months, we’ve covered everything from blockchain to self-destructing messages, AI to privacy laws, and office support options to data breach response plans. While 2020 is sure to bring new ideas, debates, responsibilities, and considerations for legal practitioners, you can rely on the Angle to keep you informed.

As we wrap up 2019, here are the top five blogs that you clicked on the most:

BYOD Challenges

Regardless of whether your company has a bring your own device (BYOD) policy or provides you with a mobile phone or laptop, if the communication is relevant and unique, it is potentially discoverable.

Legal Bots Raise Liability and Ethics Concerns

As artificial intelligence applications advance rapidly, eDiscovery technologies are perhaps the most visible example in the legal community.

CCPA Big Data Update Version 2.0 – Almost Ready to Install

The CCPA is the broadest data privacy law in the United States and it provides consumers access and control over their personal information as well as allows them to have a say in how organizations collect, use, and disseminate this data.

Yes, Blockchain Can Be Hacked Too

Since blockchain is supposed to be extremely secure and unalterable, many individuals have dubbed this technology as “unhackable”.

Proposed Changes to Rule 30(b)(6) are Met with Criticism

Rule 30(b)(6) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which pertains to taking oral depositions during litigation, is currently under review.

The contents of this article are intended to convey general information only and not to provide legal advice or opinions.

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