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Six Challenges When Collecting Social Media Artifacts for eDiscovery Litigation

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Social media platforms are one of society’s primary communication channels, not just for personal interactions but also for business communications. Consequently, collecting social media...

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The Most Important Type of Data That No One Is Thinking About

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Confidential Business Information (CBI) is the information that is unique to the corporation that owns it. It’s anything key to the business that the company would not want its...

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10 Pro Tips for Rolling out a New eDiscovery Cost Recovery Programme

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Cost recovery is a key strategy to ensure a law firm or corporation’s eDiscovery programme will meet current and future demands.

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The Benefits of Embracing Workflow Automation

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The principle of doing more with less is crucial in today’s rapidly changing business world. In-house legal departments consistently face rising workloads in the face of frozen headcounts...

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Reimagining Law Firm Operations: Insights from the Am Law 200

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In a time where hybrid work models have transitioned from being an exception to the standard, law firms find themselves at a crossroads, needing to reinvent their operational strategies...

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Mastering the Data Surplus: How Information Governance Drives Success in the Digital Era

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The Unprecedented Value of Records & Information Governance (RIG) to Control the Constantly Growing Data

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Gen AI and Today’s Legal Leaders: Insights from the ACC CLO Summit

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The 2024 ACC (Association of Corporate Counsel) Annual CLO Summit was held in Edinburgh, Scotland and included more than eighty global General Counsels and Chief Legal Officers. The...

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The Rising Threat of Cyber Incidents

In today’s digital world, cyber incidents pose a significant risk to businesses of all sizes. From data breaches to ransomware attacks, organisations face a barrage of threats and...

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Practice Groups within eDiscovery Providers? You Should Bet Your Litigation and Investigation Success on It!

3 Mins

While some view eDiscovery providers as a provider of commoditized services whose role is to reduce costs, there is additional value that eDiscovery specialization can provide.

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Attracting, Retaining, and Developing Talent While Navigating Generational Change

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Andrea Sepinwall, Senior Legal Counsel, Simplex Legal, spoke at the Legal Innovation Forum in Montréal on March 27. Below are her key takeaways.

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Generative AI in Action: Dynamic Strategies for Today's Legal Landscape

Legalweek 2024 Session Recap

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