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Charles F. Casey Senior Legal Counsel, Simplex Legal


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Epiq Expert
Charles F. Casey is a Senior Legal Counsel at Simplex Legal with a bar admission in Alberta since 1990. He specializes in business law, construction, dispute and litigation management, employment and labour, energy, intellectual property, M&A, and procurement within the oil & gas and power sectors. Charles is experienced in providing strategic legal advice, supporting corporate strategy, advising executives, and delivering legal solutions, based on his past roles at PetroChina Canada, Capital Power, Epcor, and Calpine. He operates in English and is located in Alberta.

experts: a-z

Eric Kerwood

Managing Director, Corporate Restructuring

Jon Kessler

Senior Director, Information Governance Consulting

Stephenie Kjontvedt

Vice President, Senior Consultant

Loree Kovach

Senior Vice President, Client Services

Jon Lavinder

Director, Technology-Assisted Review

Katherine Ledbetter

Review Manager, Antitrust

Eugene Lee

Associate Review Manager

Allison Lee

Senior Project Manager, Client Services

Jason Lewis

Senior Manager, Consulting Services

Scott Mahoney

Director for Records and Information Management
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