Blowing the whistle on cyber-reporting
- Technology
In an era marked by digital transformation, understanding the nuances of cybersecurity whistleblowing has become paramount for businesses. This insightful article from Australasian Lawyer, written by Epiq’s Joe Law, delves into the significance of anticipating and addressing cybersecurity concerns proactively, with a focus on the pivotal role of clear reporting mechanisms and a cyber-aware organizational culture.
Joe Law, Account Director, Legal Solutions, Epiq: "Managing cybersecurity concerns and the possibility of whistleblowing needs to be included in cyber readiness initiatives, but also embedded into company culture. Having the enterprise take a teamwork approach to cybersecurity will increase awareness, provide a clear reporting mechanism to voice concerns, and control uninformed whistleblower claims. But what does this look like, and where should CISOs and legal teams begin?"
Read the full article here.
Carrie Trent
Epiq, Director of Communications & Public Relations